Nachmund Campaign Rules
This is a fight for the Nachmund Sector!
Guide to Getting Started
You don't need to know everything to get started--here's a quick rundown! Guide to Getting Started
The Battlefields of the Nachmund Sector
From might fortress worlds to humble mining asteroids, there is much ground to soak up more blood in the wars to come.
Nachmund Territories
Here is a working list of the territories that can be conquered, purged, or investigated by the belligerent forces in the Nachmund Sector.
Territory Actions
After an army seizes control of a territory, there is still more work to be done. Will your forces subjugate the planet, corrupt its populace, or purge it of its impurity?
Army Rules
Teams and Victory
The fighting forces of this campaign are divided into four rough camps. Imperials are divided among those who support Duke Meridian Armentanus and those who support the Synod of Vigilus. Meanwhile, the Forces of Chaos seek to bring ruin to all. Not everyone is dragged into the conflict between the Imperium and Chaos, however, as the Xenos pursue their own agendas.
Primary and Secondary Armies
Players can bring multiple rosters to the campaign but each player will engage with the main campaign mechanics with their primary army.
Campaign Rules
We have some unique rules to help represent the planet-spanning battles!
Force Disposition
Command Limits, Supply limits, Auxiliary Limits--these are small additions to the normal rules for your Order of Battle. Your Command Limit is the maximum number force you can have distributed across the whole sector. Your Crusade may be old and powerful and your Order of Battle might have a Supply Limit of 5,000pts--but if the Command Limit is 3,000pts, you an only use 3,000pts in the campaign until it increases. Auxiliary Limits are bonuses forces you can bring outside of your Order of Battle to give you tactical flexibility. They don't gain Experience or suffer Battle Scars.
Garrisons and Control
War isn't won when the battle is done. After the conflict is over, an army must take control of the territory they just conquered. Forces must be committed to purging the enemy infrastructure, consuming the biomass, or other after-action necessities. While a conquering army is taking hold of territory, their forces will be temporarily unavailable to fight other battles.
Crusade Blessings
Crusade Blessings are used in normal Crusade rules to provide a benefit to the less-experienced army. In the Nachmund Campaign, Crusade Blessings are also rewards to be earned and used for winning battles and controlling territory. In addition, they are a currency that can be traded between allied forces.