Sword Brother Syvand's Crusaders Spec Op

A Black Templar Destroyer outfitted with an Urfan auto-divinator, the Litany of Absolution was escorting the Succession when the Fulminating Antipathy attacked. The Veritas and its auto-divinator was lost but a distress beacon from the Litany seems to be coming from the Space Hulk itself. Can Syvand's Crusaders recover the holy artifact?

Recover Archaeotech

Rumours are circulating of a hidden archeotech artefact, a rare and ancient item of technology that offers great power. Your kill team must search the area, and if the rumours prove to be true, retrieve the archeotech for high command.


By conducting a comprehensive investigation of the area’s structures, you can discover the archeotech’s data traces. Collect enough data and you can triangulate the archeotech’s location.

Complete five games in which you scored victory points from the ‘Seize Ground/Seize Access Point’ and/or ‘Secure Vantage/Secure Unexplored Room’ Tac Op.


You have discovered the location of the archeotech. The enemy are unaware of its true power, so you must press the attack to retrieve it and deliver it to headquarters.

Complete a game in which you scored victory points from the ‘Recover Item’ Tac Op.


  • You gain three Requisition points.
  • You can add one item of rare equipment to your stash, or you can increase your asset capacity by one.