Teritory Actions
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After an army seizes control of a territory, there is still more work to be done. Will your forces subjugate the planet, convert its populace, or purge it of its impurity?
Default Challenge Rules
Some territories will develop their own rules and stories as a result of weekly Flashpoints. Some territories might change as the narrative develops. The default rules for challenging and gaining control of a planet are as follows:
Recommended Mission: Agree with your opponent on the mission that makes the best narrative sense or roll up one randomly.
Recommended Size: Agree with your opponent on the battle size and type that makes the best narrative sense.
Campaign Victor Bonus: One Crusade Blessing Resource
Garrison: Incursion Army, one week
Control Bonus: 500 pts Auxiliary Forces
If your army is subjugating a planet, you are seeking to use its resources as part of your war machine. You might be pressing materiel or manpower into the fight or consolidating its influence for your political ends. Whatever your particular goals, you are leaving the planet and its conditions relatively intact--simply making better use of it than its previous masters.
If you have subjugated a planet, you gain its Control Bonus.
Perhaps an Imperial World needs to be shown the glory of the True Gods, or a renegade planet needs to be restored to the purity of the Imperial Creed. Perhaps it is time to show humanity a new way and teach them to work toward the Greater Good. Perhaps your vanguard organisms are seeding the planet and teaching the populace to prepare for its Day of Ascension!
If you are converting a planet, you are changing something fundamental about its populace. This takes longer but this subversion is difficult to undo. Converting a planet takes twice as long as Subjugating a planet, but it doubles the time required for another army to take control of a planet. You gain its Control Bonus until someone else successfully completes a Subjugate or Purge action, even if you no longer control the planet.
Some worlds are beyond redemption. A whole planet may make a fitting sacrifice to the Ruinous Powers. As the ancient dynasty arises from its tombs, it exterminates the vermin that have come to squat upon its ancient demesne. Whether an Imperial Exterminatus or a devouring Hive Fleet, everything will be destroyed.
When the purge action is complete, it exterminates the populace on a planet. A purged planet cannot be controlled by anyone. It no longer needs to be garrisoned. Every meaningful population center is dead and all its infrastructure lays in ruin.