Rictus Claw Assets

Dissonant Lament
Employing a tailored techno-viral dirge, the Night Lords drown their enemies' long range communications in a flood-tide of inhuman screams. Under such conditions, it becomes all but impossible for the foe to gather or make use of battlefield intelligence.
Your opponent cannot resolve scouting options (they must still select them, where relevant, to determine initiative).
Skinning Pit -- 2
Woe betide those who the Night Lords take captive in battle, for their fates are invariably nightmarish and cruel. Within the gore-spattered skinning pits, their hides are flensed from their flesh and their muscles from their bones. To inflict such horrors upon their prey invigorates and inspires the warriors of the Nemesis Claw to fresh and still-greater heights of inhuman sadism.
Keep a Skinning Pit tally on your dataslate. Add 1 to the tally as follows: 1) Each time a friendly NEMESIS CLAW operative incapacitates an enemy operative within its Engagement Range. 2) If you achieve the first bullet point and that enemy operative had a Wounds characteristic of 11 or more. 3) If you achieve the first bullet point and that friendly operative was a SKINTHIEF operative. In each Update Dataslates step, for every 8 marks on your Skinning Pit tally, remove those marks, give one NEMESIS CLAW operative on your dataslate 1XP and add either one grisly trophy or two flayed skins to your stash.









Suspensor System


HEAVY GUNNER operative only. That operative gains the following ability for the battle: Suspensor System: The Heavy special rule of this operative’s ranged weapons is treated differently. Instead, an operative cannot move more than 6" in the same activation in which it performs the Shoot action with any of those ranged weapons.



2x Combat Blades

1 ea

The operative is equipped with the following melee weapon for the battle: Name: Combat Blade; A 4; WS: 3+; D: 3/5



Grisly Trophy


Not available for an operative equipped with flayed skin. The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Grisly Trophy: While this operative is Visible to and within of an enemy operative, subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic of that enemy operative’s ranged and melee weapons.



Krak Grenade


The operative is equipped with the following ranged weapon for the battle. It cannot make a shooting attack with this weapon by performing an Overwatch action:

Name: Krak Grenade; A: 4; BS: 3+; D: 4/5; Special: Range 6, Indirect, Limited



Frag Grenade


The operative is equipped with the following ranged weapon for the battle. It cannot make a shooting attack with this weapon by performing an Overwatch action:

Name: Frag Grenade; A: 4; BS: 3+; D: 2/3; Special: Range 6, Blast 2, Indirect, Limited



Flayed Skin


Not available for an operative equipped with a grisly trophy. The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Flayed Skin: While this operative is Visible to and within 3" of an enemy operative, your opponent cannot re-roll attack or defence dice for that enemy operative.



Chain Snare


The operative gains the following ability for the battle:

Chain Snare: While only one enemy operative is within Engagement Range of this operative, that enemy operative is snared. Each time a snared enemy operative would perform the Fall Back action, roll one D6, subtracting 1 if that enemy operative has a higher Wounds characteristic than this operative, and adding 1 if that enemy operative is injured. On a 4+ that enemy operative cannot perform that action, but no action points are subtracted.