2024 Summer Campaign

The Nachmund Gauntlet
Nachmund Gauntlet

Reprevarium Shallows

Halfway through the treacherous route across the great rift known as the Nachmund Gauntlet, traveling ships congregate in the Reprevarium Shallows. This point marks the southern end of a particularly narrow stretch of the gauntlet, called the Whispering Trench, where the shores of realspace are constantly ravaged by the tides of the warp. More ships are lost passing through this corridor than at any other point in the Nachmund sector. Hence the Imperium controlled world Occularia, just on the edge of the shallows, serves as a popular waypoint destination for ships to recalibrate before or after braving the trench.

Occularia Waypoint

Occularia is nominally controlled by the Imperium, though in practice it is ruled by the rogue trader Duke Meridian Armentanus. The Duke's complex network of alliances have kept the planet safe for Imperium business, and in exchange the agents of the administratum continue to overlook the involvement of criminal elements (including the presence of Xenos) on Occularia. The planet is far too deep into the gauntlet for Imperium fleets to make any meaningful attempt at taking control of the planet by force.

High in orbit over Occularia are hundreds of station outposts, some welcoming to all travelers willing to trade, while others are disguised as debris or asteroids meant as secret safe harbors. Further out into the dense nebula of the nearby shallows are some thirty or more other small star systems, home to xenos, pirates, cults, and worse. Occularia and the plethora of nearby stations and star systems constitute the Occularia Waypoint.

Screaming Out of the Void

The hurried business of Occularia Waypoint comes to a halt when the Black Ship Succession suddenly appears from a self generated warp-rift, its blaring distress beacons eclipsed by something even louder; the wailing of hundreds of psykers, the cargo of the black ships. They cry out in desperation to every soul who will listen. And just behind the Succession, riding in the wake of the warp-rift, is a second ship. Too large to fit through the warp rift, it begins to rend the edges of the gateway loose from reality long enough to squeeze through. A space hulk! The deep space anomaly Fulminating Antipathy has entered the Occularia Waypoint, and the dread energy of its power core reverberates throughout the gauntlet. It appears to be pursuing the Succession...


The Nachmund gauntlet has been effectively blockaded by the presence of a space hulk. No mortal empire can muster enough firepower to take on the space hulk before it can wreak havoc on the Reprevarium Shallows. Time is of the essence. Only elite, efficient squads of kill teams can hope to reach the waypoint in time.

Campaign Structure

The story of the campaign will be broken up into five two-week cycles, meaning that the campaign will run for approximately ten weeks. During each two-week cycle, the main story will progress and two missions will be made available. You can play those missions one or both missions, in any order, at any time during that two-week period. This means that if you need to take a week off, you can come back the next week and still play one or both missions without missing out. The mission details will specify the narrative goals of the attacker and defender, so the overall outcome of all games played in each cycle will determine how the story advances. Results from each match will be visible in the Campaign Log.

Campaign Rules

The campaign will follow the normal rules for Kill Team Narrative Play, as described in the core rules, with a few extra stipulations:

  • This is a "fresh start" campaign, meaning that you cannot bring an experienced team to campaign missions.
  • You can only complete 1 (one) Spec Op during the course of the campaign.
  • Follow the House Rules for additional clarifications and rulings. (Don't worry, it's a short list!)

As per the normal narrative rules, each team begins with its minimum roster, 4 (four) Requisition Points, and 2 (two) Asset Capacity.

Mission Cycles

The first mission cycle: Weapons Hot is complete. Cycle One ran from June 6th to June 22nd.
The second mission cycle: Succession of Psykers is complete. Cycle Two ran from June 23rd to July 7th.
The third mission cycle: Blackstone Bounty is complete. Cycle Three ran from July 8th to July 21st.
The fourth mission cycle: Primed to Blow is complete. Cycle Four ran from July 21st to August 4th.
The fifth mission cycle: A Palace and a Prison is now available. It ran on August 10th.