Mission Cycle Two

Succession of Psykers

A series of bright spots flash from one dark recess of the space hulk Fulminating Antipathy, sending scattered debris loose. The weapons that battered the black ship Succession go quiet as the attached power cores rupture and overheat from sabotage. The control and targeting systems are still online, however.

Now attention turns toward the Succession. It is heavily damaged, though perhaps not beyond repair. More troubling are the continuing psychic whispers still leaking from within. In order to truly understand the threat of the Fulminating Antipathy, its prey must first be analyzed. Aboard the black ship, only a few scattered crew members remain sane enough to speak.


3.2 post VCM.M41
Navigator reports Astronomican clouded, but confident we are on course. Cargo crew reported disturbances; approx. 1/20 of cargo passengers have self-neutralized.

3.3 post VCM.M41
Chief Navigator became erratic and was relieved. Disturbances continue among cargo.

3.3.1 post VCM.M41
We are being pursued. Something is out there. Intermittent beacons identify themselves as Imperium. The designations are not in our registry banks. No human operators have responded.

3.3.2 post VCM.M41
First Navigator Aide's entry. Captain has disappeared. Gellar field is unstable. Relays to the cargo section have been severed. Requested that we purge the cargo but command refuses. If the Emperor wills it, we can make it as far as Reprevarium. Only need to focus a little longer.

3.3.2 post VCM.M41
First Navigator Aide's entry. It wants the psykers. It would let us go if-- THEY WILL NOT STOP SCREAMING.

Mission Overview

Within the cavernous, cathedral like interior of the Succession, a strange tear into the Immaterium beckons. The captain was last seen heading there to investigate. Though such anomalies are unquestionably dangerous, it may also provide valuable clues about what provoked the Fulminating Antipathy. Further into the cargo hold, a hard choice must be made about whether to attempt a rescue of the remaining psyker passengers, or to put a quick end to their maddening wails.

Warp AnomalyChalnath 2.2 **Investigate the warp anomaly in the Succession's cathedral.
Rescue PassengersInto The Dark 2.2 **Enter the cargo hold and rescue the passengers -- or neutralize them.

Warp Anomaly

A swirling, light-bending window into the Warp dances and whispers strange truths. To study it safely, operatives will first need to prepare a sensor array before attempting a close range auspex scan.

Place a Warp Anomaly token in the center of the map. The anomaly provides light cover within ⚪ of the center, and obscures any cover lines that cross into and out of any part of the cover area. Any operative that is within of the center at the end of the Turning Point suffers D3 mortal wounds.

At the end of the Determine Attacker and Defender step, each player may place one additional piece of heavy terrain wholly within their drop zone. This terrain cannot be longer than 6 (six) inches and does not have any other keywords (e.g. traversable, vantage, door).

The Attacker’s operatives can perform the following mission actions:

The Attacker’s operative can perform this action if it is not within Engagement Range of an enemy operative and it is within of a terrain feature that is not wholly within their drop zone and does not have any sensor arrays attached to it. Set up one objective marker within of that terrain feature and within of that operative. That terrain feature is now considered to have a sensor array attached to it.
The Attacker’s operative can perform this action if it is not within Engagement Range of an enemy operative and it is within ⚪ of the center of the Warp Anomaly. If there are fewer than two terrain features which have sensor arrays attached which are not controlled by the Defender, the operative performing this action suffers D3 mortal wounds. This action can only be performed once per Turning Point.

The Defender’s operatives can perform the following mission action:

A Defender’s operative can perform this action if it is not within Engagement Range of an enemy operative and it is within of an objective marker that it controls. That sensor array is destroyed. Remove that objective marker. That terrain feature is no longer considered to have a sensor array attached to it.

At the end of each Turning Point, score VPs as follows:

  • The Attacker scores 1VP for each terrain feature that has a sensor array attached to it. If the objective marker representing that sensor array is on a Vantage Point, score 2VP instead.
  • The Attacker scores 1VP if a SCAN ANOMALY action was performed that Turning Point.
  • The Defender scores 1VP for each objective marker controlled by the Defender's operatives. If that objective marker is on a Vantage Point, score 2VP instead.
  • The Defender scores 1VP for every 2 terrain features that are not wholly within either drop zone and that do not have a sensor array attached to them.

At the end of the battle, score VPs as follows:

  • The Defender scores 1VP for each sensor array that has been destroyed.

If you are the Defender and scored 3 or more VPs from Seek and Destroy Tac Ops during this battle, you gain 1 additional Requisition point.

If you are the Attacker and scored 3 or more VPs from Recon Tac Ops during this battle, you gain 1 additional Requisition point.

Each operative that performed the Scan Anomaly action or suffered mortal wounds as a result of the Warp Anomaly's effect gains 1 Experience Point.

Arcane Insight: If you are victorious and are currently undertaking the Infiltrate the Enemy or Recover Archeotech Spec Op, then reduce by 1 the number of games required to complete that Spec Op’s Operation 1.

Rescue Passengers

The black ship's cargo hold carries psykers culled from across the Imperium. They could be taken alive, or deemed too dangerous to live. Of course, there is always a danger posed when a psyker meets a sudden and violent end.

Operatives can perform the following mission actions:

An operative can perform this action while within of an objective marker it controls that is not active. Roll one D6, rolling one additional D6 for each objective marker that has been removed as lost: if no results are a 6, remove that objective marker as lost; if any results are a 6, that objective marker becomes active. The Pick Up action and Purge Witch action can be performed upon active objective markers.
An operative can perform this action while it controls a Control Panel Ancient Apparatus terrain feature. Each time a friendly operative performs this action, select for the status of the lights to be on or off. While the lights are off, operatives wholly within the cargo hold (the inner area of the killzone enclosed by Wall terrain features) that are more than from the active operative are in Cover.

The Attacker’s operatives can perform the following mission action:

An operative can perform this action while within of an objective marker it controls that is active. Roll one D6: on a 1, that operative suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a 2-4, that operative suffers 1 mortal wound. Then remove the objective marker from the killzone.

Each time a friendly operative performs the Examine Passenger mission action, if that objective marker becomes active during that action, you score 1VP.

At the end of the battle, score VPs as follows:


  • For each Purge Witch action that was completed by a friendly operative, you score 3VPs.


  • For each active objective marker friendly operatives control, you score 3VPs.

At the end of the battle, if you are the Defender and friendly operatives are carrying two or more active objective markers, you gain 1 Requisition point.

At the end of the battle, if you are the Attacker and friendly operatives completed three or more Purge Witch actions, you gain 1 Requisition point.

Thou Shalt Not Suffer: If you are victorious as the Attacker and are currently undertaking the Purge Order Spec Op, then reduce by 1 the number of games required to complete that Spec Op’s Operation 1.

Stay of Execution: If you are victorious as the Defender and are currently undertaking the Extraction Spec Op, then reduce by 1 the number of games required to complete that Spec Op’s Operation 1.